Results of Fractures of the Collar Bone in Teens Treated Without Surgery
Children, adolescents (teenagers), and adults are all groups who sustain a clavicular fracture (clavicular refers to the collar bone). A bone break in the middle of the clavicle with displacement (separation of the fracture) can result in a shortened, misaligned clavicle. This particular deformity in adults has been shown to create abnormal biomechanical stresses throughout the entire upper quadrant (e.g., shoulder joint, shoulder blade, clavicle).Surgery may be needed to realign the ends of the...
Complications and Outcomes for Hip Replacement in the Young
Age 55 used to be considered "too young" for a total hip replacement. Concerns about how long the implant would last, bone loss with future surgeries, and a high rate of complications often meant patients in pain just had to tough it out and wait. Now patients as young as 14 years old are having hip replacement surgery. The authors of this article give us an inside look at the challenges and complexities of total hip replacement in the very young patient.Most of these surgeries are being done fo...
Guidelines for Collar Bone Fractures in Children
The clavicle known more commonly as the "collar bone" is the most commonly fractured bone in children. No surprise there since falling on the point of the shoulder is the way the bone gets broken in the first place and falling is what young children do so well! By the very number of children who fracture their clavicle (10 to 15 per cent of all fractures in children), physicians are sure to see this problem in their practice.Dr. Michelle S. Caird from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the...
Patterns of Ankle Fractures in Children
One of the biggest concerns for children with ankle fractures is the risk of damage to the growth plate called physeal arrest. Surgeons evaluating children with physeal fractures of the lower leg bones (tibia and fibula) must be very careful to identify the specific type of fracture and all other areas that might also be injured (e.g., soft tissues such as cartilage, tendons, ligaments).Successful treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis. Placing a child in a leg cast when there is a large gap...
How To Treat Lateral Condylar Elbow Fractures in Children
If you are a parent, nanny, grandparent, or caretaker of any kind for children, you know the moment of panic when the child comes running in crying, holding the arm, often in hysterics. Or worse -- someone else comes running in to report that the child in your care is down and something is "wrong." Is it just a minor "owie" that needs a kiss and a hug? Or could it be something more serious like a broken bone at the elbow?Swelling, bruising, and pain or tenderness that persist are all signs that ...
Controversies and Complications of Growth Plate Fractures in Children
Any fracture affecting the growth plate of bones in children can result in stopping growth. Disturbance of growth after fracture of the distal femur (bottom end of the thigh bone just above the knee) is a particularly vexing problem. That's because this is where the fastest growth plate in the body is located. Young children can experience as much as a three-inch difference in leg length from a fracture of this type.In addition to creating a difference in leg length from one side to the other, g...
Am I wrong that we can get a different reading when our Physical Therapist uses a metal devise to measure our son's leg motion?
Whenever we take our son into see the Physical Therapist, she always uses a funny looking metal device to measure his leg motion. I can't remember what the thing is called but it just seems to me like it would be very easy to get a different measurement every time just based on where you place the tool and how far you move the kid or the device. Am I wrong about this? I don't want to criticize but it just doesn't seem like a very accurate way to measure a moving target. You are most likely refer...
What are my son's chances for recovery without surgery - he has 1 bone instead of 3 in his foot?
We are the parents of a 15-year-old boy who started having foot pain last year when he started running with a friend. Turns out he has one bone instead of the usual three bones in his right foot. The treatment choices have been explained to us. What are his chances for recovery without surgery? It sounds like your son may have a condition known as tarsal coalition. Tarsal coalition is the failure of the developing bones in the foot to properly form all the distinct, individual bones. The problem...
What exactly is a tarsal coalition? I know it's in the foot.
What is a tarsal coalition? I know it's in the foot but I don't know what it is exactly. Tarsal coalition is the failure of the developing bones in the foot to properly form all the distinct, individual bones in the midfoot (between the ankles and toes). Instead, two or more bones can form a bridge of bone between them or fuse together. Males are affected more often than females though the reason for this remains unknown.This condition is usually congenital (present at birth) and there are inher...
Trigger Finger and Thumb in Children is NOT the Same Condition as in Adults
Trigger finger and trigger thumb are conditions affecting the movement of the tendons as they bend the fingers or thumb toward the palm of the hand. This movement is called flexion. Trigger thumb is much more common than trigger finger among babies and young children.There are some similarities in this condition as it presents in children versus adults. But for the most part pediatric trigger thumb and/or trigger finger are not the same as adults and should not be treated the same. An understand...
Saving a Rigid, Deformed Foot in the Older Child
In the United States, a club foot deformity (known as congenital talipes equinovarus) in a baby or young child is treated quite successfully. A special treatment technique called the Ponsetti method is used with good to excellent results.But in Third World or developing countries, such foot deformities may not be treated at all or inadequately treated. The result is a rigid, deformed foot and ankle. Often these children cannot walk, squat, or even wear shoes to protect their feet.In this report,...
How To Avoid Delayed Forearm Fracture Healing in Children
Young children in good health are known to heal quickly. This is generally true for many conditions from bug bites to bone fractures. Some bone fractures can be complicated by infection or joint dislocation. Forearm fractures affecting both bones in the forearm (the radius and the ulna) can present some unique problems. A delay in union is one of those complications presented in this article.Orthopedic surgeons from the University of Zaragoza in Spain reviewed over 400 cases of both-bone forearm...
The Value of MRIs for Children with Osteochondritis Dissecans
The forceful and repeated actions of sports can strain the immature surface of the knee joint in children and teens. The bone under the joint surface weakens and becomes injured, which damages the blood vessels going to the bone. Without blood flow, the small section of bone dies. The injured bone cracks. It may actually break off. When this condition occurs in this age group, it is called juvenile osteochondritis dissecans (JOCD).JOCD can also occur in children and adolescents with no known cau...
Treatment for Children with Dislocating Kneecaps
Many people of all ages suffer from a condition known as recurrent patellar dislocation or patellar instability. In this condition, the patella or kneecap as it is more commonly referred to pops off to the side (usually to the lateral side away from the other knee). It may or may not pop back in place, a movement called reduction.Early on in the acute phase, treatment is likely to be conservative care with taping or bracing, and exercises. But with repeated episodes causing pain and loss of knee...
Drehmann Sign in Children with Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Surgeons Take a Closer Look at Drehmann Sign in Children with Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a condition that affects the hip in teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 most often. Cases have been reported as early as age nine years old. In this condition, the growth center of the hip (the capital femoral epiphysis) actually slips backwards on the top of the femur (the thighbone).If untreated this can lead to serious problems in the hip joint later ...
Titanium Elastic Nails for Pediatric Fractures
Early Report on Use of Titanium Elastic Nails for Pediatric FracturesSurgeons in China proudly report their early experiences using titanium elastic nails (TENs) in children. Fractures of the proximal humerus (upper arm near the shoulder) are the main focus. Treatment of severe, displaced (separated), or irreducible (bone cannot be lined up) fractures at this site so close to the growth plate can be very challenging. The excellent results in the 25 children presented in this study are very encou...
Children with ACL Tears: Should Surgery Be Delayed?
Young athletes with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears face a unique problem. Surgery to repair or reconstruct the damage can disturb bone growth. But delaying surgery until bone growth is completed can put the joint at risk of further damage without a stable ligament.What's the answer to this dilemma? This study from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) may shed some light on the problem and the solution. Orthopedic surgeons treating children at this hospital went back and looked at t...
Back Pain in Children From Disc Herniations
Back pain in children that doesn't go away is a red flag symptom. Although rare, serious causes of back pain such as tumors, infection, and disc herniations must be considered. In this article, pediatric orthopedic surgeons review back pain in children from disc herniations.Risk factors, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation (signs and symptoms) are discussed. Evaluation including physical exam and imaging studies guide the physician in making the diagnosis and determining the plan of care....
Low Back Pain a Common Problem in Chinese Children
More and more children around the world are reporting low back pain. In this study, public health officials from China report on this problem among their children. It turns out that one-fourth of all boys (ages 10 to 18) and one-third of all girls (the same ages) have low back pain.How does this high prevalence of low back pain in Chinese schoolchildren compare to children in other countries? Studies show a 22 per cent prevalence rate in British children, 30 per cent in American children, and 50...
Many Teens Report Chronic Pain
You might not know it to look at them but teenagers are suffering more chronic pain than we ever realized before. Thanks to this study of over 7,000 participants, we know that 44 per cent of adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 report chronic idiopathic pain. At least that's the case in Norway where the study was conducted,Chronic idiopathic pain was defined as pain anywhere in the body of unknown cause that was present at least once a week for the last three months. Idiopathic means there'...
Recognizing Lyme Disease Causing Hip Problems in Children
There's an old saying in medicine, "If you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebras." It means to look for the obvious not search for strange, unusual causes of symptoms. But in the case of hip pain in children, it may be a zebra like Lyme disease. Most of the time, joint pain caused by Lyme disease affects the knee. But in a small number of cases, Lyme arthritis presents only in the hip.That's the conclusion of a group of pediatric orthopedic surgeons who studied their records of Lyme disease i...
Taking a Chance With Improper Use of Seatbelts
Spinal fractures from the improper use of seatbelts are associated with car accidents. Children are at risk for Chance spinal fractures when they are not properly restrained or only partially restrained with seatbelts. This report is the largest one of its kind examining Chance fractures in children.Chance fractures are described as flexion-distraction fractures. They occur in the thoracic (mid) spine most often in children. The same type of fracture can occur in adults but usually affects the l...
Expert Opinion on Hip Impingement in Perthes Disease
In this expert opinion, two pediatric orthopedic surgeons from Children's Hospital in Boston discuss femoroacetabular impingement caused by Perthes disease. Perthes disease of the hip (also known as Legg-Calvé-Perthes) occurs when there is a loss of blood supply to the growth center at the top of the femoral head. Without enough blood, the bone dies, degenerates, and collapses.Children with Perthes disease of the hip may recover fully without further hip problems later. But those patients...
Sobering Statistics About ATV Accidents in Children
Here are some sobering and disturbing statistics about all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents in children. According to records kept at hospitals around the United States, there have been 4483 children hospitalized for ATV accidents in one year alone (2006).And a review of the records from 1997 to the present time showed that the rate of ATV-related injuries has gone up. Not just a small increase in the number of accidents but a 240 per cent increase. And that is despite all efforts of the governme...
Are Braces Still Used for Perthes Disease
What is the current thinking about the use of braces in the treatment of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease? This was a popular treatment approach 35 years ago. But is it still relevant today? The authors of this article did an extensive search of the published literature on this topic and offer a summary of present opinion.Legg-Calvé-Perthes (known as Perthes for short) is caused by a loss of blood supply to the epiphysis (growth center) of the hip. Without enough blood to nourish and rep...
Why Do Growing Rods Used for Scoliosis Break
Children with severe scoliosis (curvature of the spine) may have surgery to insert a rod along the spine. The rod helps keep the spine straight. It's actually a growing rod, which means it operates like a telescope and can lengthen as the child grows. The vertebrae are not fused so the rod spans long sections of the spine.One of the main problems with growing rods is that they fracture (break). To understand more about growing rod fractures and ways to prevent problems, a group of 10 pediatric o...
Changing Fracture Patterns in Children
Ecclesiastes is often quoted from the Bible saying, "There is nothing new under the sun." There is still some truth to that idea but in today's modern world, there are,indeed, a few new things under the sun. One of them is the way children engage in extreme sports at an early age resulting in changing fracture patterns. And those children are much larger in size now than they were 30 years ago.In this report, a particular wrist fracture (of the scaphoid bone) is the focus. Changes in the type of...
X-rays for Children with Heel Pain
Are X-rays Really Needed for Children with Heel Pain?
Many parents are concerned about exposing their children to radiation. Limiting dental and medical X-rays is one way to avoid overexposure to ionizing radiation (the kind of radiation that can do the most harm). But there are times when X-rays can help prevent worse problems. Heel pain and tenderness from Sever disease is one of those times.According to this study from the children's hospital at the University of Tennessee in Memphis, there ...
Are Growing Pains in Children Real
Growing pains in children are nothing new. Physicians back in the 1800s made note of them. But are they real? And if so, what are they really? If you ask the children affected by this condition, you'll know the pain is very real.The more accurate question might be: what is causing these pains? Is it fatigue? Psychological? Or something in the joint, bone, or surrounding soft tissues? Believe it or not, even with all our current technology, we still don't really know much about the underlying pat...
Latest Science Behind Hereditary Bone Condition
Every now and then, when you rub your hand along a bone, you may feel some odd dents and bumps. That's normal. But some people have many bony bumps or protuberances called exostoses or osteochondromas. This could be part of an inherited condition called multiple hereditary exostoses.In this article, orthopedic surgeon Kevin B. Jones from Primary Children's Medical Center at the University of Utah brings us up-to-date on the science of multiple hereditary exostoses. Using colorful diagrams, X-ray...
Improving Correction of Spinal Deformity in Children
Over the past 50 years, orthopedic surgeons have changed and improved the way spinal deformities are corrected in children. Safer and more effective ways to correct and hold the spine straight have been developed.It started with the use of rods placed alongside the spine to correct the curve. Then wires were used. But there was a concern about the wires poking into the spinal cord and causing problems, so hooks were tried next. Hooks provided three-dimensional correction that was better and safe...
Car Safety for Children in Hip Spica Casts
Picture this: you have a young child who has had hip surgery and is now in a hip spica cast. That's a cast from the waist down to the toes. Sometimes it is two-legged (goes down both legs). In other cases, it is one-legged and sometimes one and a half-legged (covers one leg down to the toes but only goes down to just above the knee on the other side). Some spica casts are flexed (or bent) in what looks like a semi-seated position (for fractures). Others children are cast in extension (no flexion...
Children's Orthopedic Surgeons Surveyed About Treatment for Early Scoliosis
When it comes to scoliosis in very young children, things are changing in the world of pediatric orthopedics. The traditional treatment with spinal fusion, casting, and bracing is being replaced by growing rods and devices that help the chest wall expand with good spinal alignment.Those are the main points taken from an on-line survey completed by 195 pediatric orthopedic surgeons who are members of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA).Early onset scoliosis (EOS) is a chall...
Hip Arthroscopy in Children: What Can Go Wrong?
Most adults think about having a hip arthroscopy exam for hip pain from age-related degenerative osteoarthritis. Many are thinking they might need a hip replacement. But, in fact, inserting a surgical scope into the hip of a child or adolescent can be a very useful diagnostic tool.Children can have many different hip disorders that would be better treated if the surgeon could look inside the hip and see exactly what's going on. That's what arthroscopy offers over a simple X-ray or even the more ...
Speed Up the Treatment for Clubfoot
If once a week treatment for clubfoot works well, would twice a week get better, faster results? That's the question Dr. Rui Jiang Xu from the Department of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery in Beijing, China asked and answered.The clubfoot is an unmistakable deformity present at birth. The foot is twisted (turned under and towards the other foot). The medical terminology for this position is equinus and varus. Equinus means that the toes are pointed down and the ankle flexed forward (like the posit...
Good News For Children with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Physical Therapy in Long Island City and Brooklyn for Pediatric Issues
Children with a condition called complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS often suffer intense pain and swelling of the affected arm and hand or leg and foot. They often experience skin changes (color, texture, hair growth, temperature). The net result is a loss of motion and function along with reduced quality of life. If the condition becomes chronic, dystrophy or deterioration of the bones and muscles in the affected body p...
Growing Rod Surgery for Young Children with Scoliosis
Today, children with severe congenital spinal scoliosis benefit from the use of "growing rods". The surgeon places one or two rods down the spine to help straighten the curved vertebrae. The rods lengthen as the child grows allowing the spine to get longer and the child to get taller. But the technique is still new enough that questions remain about how safe and effective this tool is. This is the first study to report on the use of growing rods for children with progressive congenital scoliosis...
Review and Update on a Childhood Hip Disorder
If you are looking for information on Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease, look no further. In this review article, Dr. Harry K. W. Kim from the Center for Excellence in Hip Disorders (Dallas, Texas) provides us with an in-depth update on this hip disorder in children.Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease is a condition that affects the hip in children between the ages of four and eight. The condition is also referred to as Perthes disease. It was named in honor of the three physicians who each separa...
Planning Revision Spinal Surgery in Children with Spinal Deformities
Modern medicine can perform many "miracles" these days. Among them is the ability to surgically straighten a spine that is severely curved from a childhood condition called scoliosis. Pediatric spinal deformities requiring surgery may also occur associated with other developmental problems, neuromuscular diseases, or genetic conditions.But a one-time procedure is unlikely over the lifetime of those children as they move into and through adulthood. Revision surgery is required in up to one-fourth...
Principles of Treatment for Fractures in Adolescents
Treatment of bone fractures in teenagers should not be viewed the same as for children. So say orthopedic surgeons from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Not only that, but they shouldn't be treated the same as adults either. The principles of treatment for fractures in adolescents requires a unique and individual approach.In this instructional review, the management of fractures in patients between childhood and adult age is presented. The patient's bone age must be determined usin...
Setting Parents' Worries to Rest About Elbow Fractures in Children
When a child fractures a bone and treatment is delayed, parents may worry excessively about the effects of that delayed treatment. Sometimes there just isn't an orthopedic surgeon available to evaluate and treat that child. The family may have to travel to another hospital or clinic where a physician is on-site. In other situations, the hospital's operating rooms are full. That means another delay in getting proper care for the fracture.In this study from the UCLA Orthopaedic Hospital in Califor...
Hip Replacement After Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a condition that affects the hip most often in teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16. Cases have been reported as early as age nine years old. In this condition, the growth center of the hip (the capital femoral epiphysis) actually slips backwards on the top of the femur (the thighbone).Left untreated, this can lead to serious problems in the hip joint later in life. Severity of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) can be rated as mild, moderate,...
Results of Treatment of Growing Rods for Scoliosis in Children
Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) can be a serious problem in young children. The spine can curve so much that the lungs and heart are compressed causing deadly complications. When scoliosis is present early (between birth and age five), the chances of a fast growing curve are much higher than when the curvature develops in the teen years.In this report, researchers at the San Diego Center for Spinal Disorders in California take a closer look at complications following growing rod treatment for...
Sleeve Fractures of the Kneecap in Children
You may not be familiar with the termsleeve fracture of the patella (kneecap). That's not surprising since this is a very rare injury. Of all the bone breaks children have, the kneecap is only involved in about one per cent of the cases. And sleeve fractures make up about half of those patellar injuries.What's a sleeve fracture? A little anatomy will help explain what happens. The patella or kneecap sits in front of the knee joint. It isn't attached by a piece of bone or bone bridge. Instead, it...
Osteonecrosis in Children with SCFE
Factors For Developing Osteonecrosis in Children with SCFE
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a condition that affects the hip in teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 most often. Cases have been reported as early as age nine years old. In this condition, the growth center of the hip (the capital femoral epiphysis) actually slips backwards on the top of the femur (the thighbone). If untreated this can lead to serious problems in the hip joint later in life. Fortunately, the condition...
When To Abandon the Pavlik Harness
For 50 years, children born with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) have been treated successfully with the Pavlik harness. Most studies show that the earlier the treatment, the better the results. The Pavlik harness is not usually recommended for older infants (six months of age or older). The results of this study may suggest differently.What is developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)? In this condition there is a disruption in the normal relationship between the head of the femur (thig...
New Information About the Effects of Backpacks on Children
How heavy is your child's backpack and what is that weight doing to their back? This article scientifically studies that exact question. Let the Physical Therapists at Lion Physical Therapy advise you on proper back care.
Comparing Septic Arthritis of the Shoulder and Hip in Children
Most people are familiar with strep throat or a staph infection in children. But these bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body. For some as yet unknown reason, the bacteria take up residence in the joints and cause a septic (infectious) arthritic response. The child develops a fever and joint pain. Most often the hip or knee is affected. But sometimes the shoulder or elbow becomes septic. Movement of the affected extremity can hurt. If the arm is affected, the child may...
Hip Dislocation in Children: Predicting Treatment Success
Sixty years ago, Dr. Arnold Pavlik designed a special harness for the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). It is still in use today as the number one choice for this condition in babies.Developmental dysplasia of the hip is a common disorder affecting infants and young children. In this condition there is a disruption in the normal relationship between the head of the femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum (hip socket). DDH can affect one or both hips. It can be mild to severe. ...
Patient Satisfaction After Surgery for Blount Disease
Children with Blount disease often need surgery to restore normal knee alignment and reduce pain. The result is decreased disability and improved function. Blount disease is a condition of bowlegged knees, also known as tibia vara in medical lingo. Surgical correction aims to create a more normal angle between the lower end of the femur (thigh bone) and the upper portion of the tibia (lower leg bone). Two angles used to diagnosis Blount disease are measured on X-rays: the metaphyseal-diaphyseal ...
Helping the Parents of Children with Chronic Pain
Parenting a child who is living with chronic pain can be a difficult task. As a parent, you feel as if you must be able to help your child at all costs, especially removing something that is causing illness or pain. Sadly, this isn't always possible and it can make a parent feel helpless, leading to other issues down the road. The authors of this article wanted to look at how having a child with chronic pain affects parents, how the parents affect the child's adjustment to living with chronic pa...
Non-Specific Low Back Pain in Children Needs More Research
There are many conditions that can cause back pain in children and the authors of this review article focused on the causes and risk factors for children developing back pain, as well as diagnosis and treatment options. While there has been a good bit of research on children and back pain over the past 30 years or so, there hasn't been any consistency or standardization of data or even the definitions of back pain. The researchers found a recent review article that discovered that although much ...
Is Increase in Fracture Surgery in Children Justified?
Children are known for getting into scrapes and often enough, breaking bones. Statistics show that about 10 to 25 percent of all injuries among children are bone fractures (breaks). But, despite fractures being relatively common, not much research has been done about the best way to treat these fractures nor how frequently certain fractures occur. The authors of this study wanted to look at how often children broke bones and how the breaks were treated. To do this, researchers evaluated the reco...
Treating Clubfoot: The Ponseti Way or the French Way?
Children born with a foot deformity called clubfoot can be treated without surgery when they are just a few months old. In fact, success is much greater when treatment is applied before the child is three months old. The most successful nonoperative method of treatment has been the Ponseti Method. Now a new method called the French Functional (Physical Therapy) Method is available. In this study, results of the two methods are compared in a group of babies who had similar severity of the deformi...
Don't Hold a Toddler While Going Down a Playground Slide
Young children should not go down a playground slide while sitting on another person's lap. This was the conclusion of a study looking at playground injuries. In particular, one pediatric surgeon reviewed the records of 58 children who sustained a tibialfracture over an 11-month period of time. The tibia is the larger of the two bones in the lower leg. Eight of those fractures occurred while going down the slide on the lap of an adult (usually the parent).
Always Pay Attention to Back Pain in Children
Back pain in adults is so common, eight out of 10 people will experience it at least once (and often more than once) in their lifetime. Most of the time, no one even knows what's causing it -- the condition is said to be idiopathic. It's nothing serious and treatment isn't even needed. The patient is told to stay as active as possible. Recovery occurs in seven to 10 days. But back pain in children is something else altogether.
Injuries in the Growing Athlete
Many young sports athletes are tripped up by their own skeletal system. Traumatic and overuse injuries affecting the physes (growth plates) can result in permanent deformity. Undiagnosed, untreated, and neglected injuries to the physes can put an end to a budding career. These are the findings of a study from the Cincinnati Sports Medicine Research Foundation in Ohio.
Physical Therapists Improve the Results of the Ponseti Method for Clubfoot in Children
When it comes to the nonoperative (Ponseti) treatment of clubfoot in children, does it matter if a Physical Therapist manages care versus the orthopedic surgeon? According to this study, quality of care improved when directed by the Physical Therapist compared to the surgeon. If this proves true in general, it could free surgeons up to do more of the technical surgical work they are trained for. Delivery of care for clubfoot could be left up to Physical Therapists, nurse practitioners, and physi...
Abnormal Walking Pattern in Children with Perthes Disease
In this study, surgeons look into the cause of toeing-in or toeing-out while walking for children with Perthes disease. Nine children with this condition were included. They didn't develop this change in how they walked until they were older (between seven and 15-years old). Perthes disease is a condition that first affects the hip in children between the ages of four and eight.
Active Childhood May Lower Risk of Lower Back Pain in Early Adolescence
As physical activity drops among North American children, doctors are seeing a rise in disorders, such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke later on in life. Back pain is also something doctors are seeing more of, as early as childhood. Because doctors and researchers are constantly trying to find ways to prevent illness. the authors of this article wanted to see if there was a relationship between physical activity in children and back pain in their teen years.
Physicians Keep Up With Athlete Shoulder Problems
Despite all the focus on childhood obesity, there are still a large number of teens involved in physical activity and exercise. For example, last year, more than seven million high school students participated in some kind of sports activity. That's more than half of all high school students. And records show the trend is on the rise. That's the good news. The downside of this good news is that along with increased involvement in sports (especially high-demand activities) comes an increase in in...